Received: 12th October 2023; Revised: 14th December 2023; Accepted: 18th December 2023


  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marián Ambrozy Department of Social Sciences, College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia


Assessment, History of Philosophy, Education, Teaching


The paper contains an elaboration of the assessment issue within the history of philosophy. The author strives to present the specifics of assessment in this area. They mainly consist in the almost complete absence of overcoming one philosopher by another. The main implement of the paper is the introduction of the division of the assessment approach. We recognize three assessment approaches in philosophy: formal - deductive, knowledge and skills assessment approach. The most used in the history of philosophy is the knowledge assessment approach. We present examples of good and bad practice in the implementation of knowledge verification. We consider a good knowledge verification structure to be the type of questions that will not mislead the student, and at the same time verify not only the philosopher's basic philosophical theses, but also various other ties (to contemporaries and subsequent philosophers, to science, to art, etc.). Please note that evaluating the history of philosophy is not an isolated examination of the biographies, written works, and theses of philosophers, but of theories conceived in the context of facts that respond to and influence other facts and theories.


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